Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yellow and Navy Happy Flowers

Yellow has become a popular color of all a sudden much to my happiness! Not that it is my favorite color, rather, I love the change. Several other designers in Colorado have also mentioned they too love the change to such a sunny color!
The July 11 wedding of Krysten and Eric was held at The Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Denver. Becky Young, was their photographer! You really must check out her web site as well as her blog! My poor photos are nothing next to her beautiful work! I only met Krysten once, but found her to be a very charming woman. Their reception was held at the University Club in downtown Denver. The centerpieces were yellow floating dahlias with blue glass gems in round, shallow vases. My fabulous sister, Lisa, along with her daughter, Casey, set this wedding up for me. I literally had three weddings this particular Saturday so their help was very important to me. I hope to get pictures of the centerpieces from her so that you can see how stunning this combination was.
Congratulations to Krysten and Eric!

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