Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Angelica and Adam's May 30 wedding

What a sweet couple!! When I first met with them to discuss their wedding flowers it was very evident to me that this was a couple that was very much in love and in tune with each other. Angelica, not pronounced with the "g" but prounounced with an "h" as in Anhelica, is from Columbia. Can you say exotic beauty!? Not only sweet but beautiful as well. I am hoping to get a good professional picture of this couple for my photo albums! They chose yellow and blue with white accents for their colors. I have found that most couples marrying at the Air Force Chapel usually have some shade of blue which I feel is very appropriate. I used blue bachelor buttons for the blue in this wedding. I love those little flowers. For some reason I love the idea of them in bouts. "Bachelor Buttons=guys"
I wish I had gotten a photo of the entire table. Not only were there these amazing cookies on each napkin, but also beaded wine glass charms and napkin rings. I later found out from their coordinator, Taylor Fry, that Angelica's mother had made all three! WOW!! They were really amazing to say the least. I am also sad that I did not get the chance to meet Adam's mother. We had several communications over the planning process and she was a very organized and friendly person. Congratulations to Adam and Angelica!

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